Mehtap Akgüç

Mehtap Akgüç is a senior researcher in the Economic, Employment and Social Policies Unit of the Research Department at the ETUI. She is also a research affiliate at the IZA (Institute of Labor Economics). Before joining the ETUI, she worked as a research fellow at Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) and as a visiting professor at the University of Saint-Louis in Brussels. Her main research interests lie in the field of labour economics. In particular, she is interested in studying various topics related to labour markets, wage inequalities, migration and mobility, green and circular economy, and economic development. She has contributed to various research projects in the areas of employment and social policies, social dialogue, migration, platform economy, and social innovation.

She has extensive experience in teaching at undergraduate and graduate levels and actively participates in academic and policy conferences, workshops, and seminars. Her work appears in peer-reviewed academic journals as well as in books, policy briefs and reports. Mehtap has obtained her PhD in economics from Toulouse School of Economics in France. She also completed an MPhil in economics and an MS in mathematical economics and econometrics from Toulouse School of Economics after obtaining a BA in economics from Koç University in Turkey.

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